
0 yorumLatest Update : 2023-01-21

What is implant treatment?

It is the process of applying special materials called dental implants as artificial tooth roots instead of missing teeth formed in the mouth. Dental implants, which have many origins and types, are a safe treatment method that can be applied for tooth deficiencies for many years.

Why is implant treatment needed?

Bridge application in single tooth deficiencies requires cutting and covering the side teeth. This treatment may result in the loss of the cut teeth in the medium and long term. With implant treatment, applying it only to the area where the cavity has formed, ensures the protection of the surrounding teeth.

Bridge application in single tooth deficiencies requires cutting and covering the side teeth. This treatment may result in the loss of the cut teeth in the medium and long term. With implant treatment, applying it only to the area where the cavity has formed, ensures the protection of the surrounding teeth.

We also benefit from implant treatments in some traumatic situations.

Who can implants be applied to?

Implant application can be performed in all individuals whose bone development has been completed. Before the treatment, bone volume controls are made by the Oral, Maxillofacial and Dental Surgeon or Periodontologist. If the bone volume is not sufficient, periodontal treatments and bone volume increase treatment are applied. After sufficient bone formation, planning is made for the operation.

Implant treatment stages

First examination

First of all, the Maxillofacial Surgeon examines the patient who wants to have an implant. The patient's suitability for implant treatment is examined at this stage.

Investigation of the condition of the jawbone

Panoramic x-rays of the jawbone are examined through tomography when necessary. Bone density in the area to be treated is measured. The doctor chooses the type of implant that is suitable for the patient.

Implementation of the implant

Before starting the implant procedure, the first thing to do is to apply local or general anesthesia. In this way, it is ensured that the patient does not feel pain during the procedure. After anesthesia, the area to be implanted is thoroughly cleaned. An incision is made in the gum. With this incision, the jawbone is reached.

Then, a hole is made in the jawbone in the size of the implant. This hole takes place with special heads. After the socket is opened, the implant is screwed into the formed cavity. It is waited for the implant to fuse to the jawbone. This fusion time varies from person to person. But the average duration is in the range of 1-3 months.

Preparation of Prostheses

After the implants fuse to the jawbone, the preparation phase of the prosthesis comes. At this stage, the patient's tooth measurements are taken. In addition, the color of the tooth to be inserted is determined. After the preparation process of the prostheses, the prostheses are made in the determined dimensions in a private laboratory.

Placement of Prostheses

At the last stage, the prosthetic teeth prepared are placed on the implants on the bone by screwing or gluing. As a result, the implant treatment is completed.

In which tooth deficiencies can the implant be applied?

Implant treatment can be applied in the absence of a single or several teeth, as well as in cases of complete edentulism.

All on four implant

It is the process of placing 6 implants in the upper jaw and 4 implants in the lower jaw in cases of edentulousness in the lower and upper jaws where the jawbone melts too much. According to the patient's request, temporary prosthesis can be applied within 1-2 days.

In previous techniques, the main aim was to obtain bone by applying grafting (bone powder sowing) and complicated surgical procedures in areas where the patient's bone was insufficient, and this caused both the prolongation of the procedure and the patient's being toothless in that process.

In the All On Four System, implants are placed without complicated surgical procedures and temporary fixed teeth are attached to the patient on the same day. Two or three months later, temporary dentures are removed and replaced with permanent fixed teeth.

Zigoma implant

It is the method applied for patients with very advanced osteoclasis. While standard implants are 8-12 mm long, zygoma implants have dimensions between 30-50 mm. Implants are performed under general anesthesia, not under local anesthesia like other dental implants, and the operation is performed on the area known as the cheekbone. The operation takes approximately 2 hours.

İmmediat implant (Hızı implant)

Implant placement at the time of tooth extraction is called immediate implant application. It is a highly preferred method if the patient's mouth, bone structure is good and there is no acute inflammation in the tooth to be extracted. In cases where there is a possibility of infection, this application is not recommended.

Laser-applied implant (seamless implant)

In the area where the implant will be applied, the gingiva is lifted in the form of a lid with a laser. The implant slot is opened with the help of laser. Unlike the classical method, it causes less damage to the neighboring tissues since the operation is performed in a smaller area. Since there is no suture application, our patient's recovery time is shortened and complaints such as pain and swelling are reduced to a very low level. Seamless implant, Laser applied implant


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